稻味釀小酒莊 Fragrant Rice-wine Winery

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舒米如妮 Sumi Dongi

To make your wine taste good, you must be happy when making it.

稻味釀小酒莊 Fragrant Rice-wine Winery

舒米‧如妮是阿美族人,成長於花蓮石梯坪港口部落,這裡曾是重要的農田命脈,卻在青壯人口外移後,荒廢30年。2009年開始,舒米‧如妮投身水梯田復育,她的故事曾被改編成電影《太陽的孩子》,那既柔軟又堅毅的素樸形象,感動無數人。而現在,舒米・如妮為了保留逐漸消失的釀酒文化,成立了《稻味釀小酒莊》,港口部落有16位伊娜參與舒米‧如妮的釀酒和示範;讓旅人透過導覽體驗,更加了解糯米酒的文化以及背後的故事。小米酒在阿美族傳統裡被稱為「長者的酒」 ,為了崇天,敬老所釀造,只有在節慶時,部落裡的伊娜(Inas指部落婦女)才聚在一起釀酒,因為它很稀有,所以也非常的珍貴。


Sumi Dongi is from the Amis Tribe and grew up in the Makotaay Tribal village of Shi Ti Ping, Hualien. The location used to be an integral part of the local farming legacy, however after the younger generation moved away from home, it was abandoned for 30 years. Since 2009, Sumi Dongi has been involved in the restoration process of terraced fields. Her story has been adapted into the movie “Wawa No Cidal” (太陽的孩子). Her gentle and humble imagery has moved countless people across the world. Today, Sumi hopes to build a winery in her village in order to allow more travellers to experience and understand the culture and story of rice wine. She hopes to achieve this through guided tours through her village.


藝術家工作室 Artist Studio

釀酒體驗 Winemaking Workshop

特色糯米酒展售 Special Rice-Wine Exhibition and Sale

#太陽的孩子 #海稻米復耕 #釀酒文化 #糯米酒 #大葉甜香 #三代傳承 #16位酒娘


  • 聯絡電話|0978-502180
  • 地  址|花蓮縣豐濱鄉港口村石梯灣117-2號 Hualien Country, Fengbin Township, Fakong Village, Shi Ti Wan. No.117-2


  • 預約制
    Reservation Based
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  • 花蓮客運1140、1145 / 石梯坪遊憩區 站