石梯坪遊憩區 Shi Ti Ping Scenic Recreation

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石梯坪遊憩區 Shi Ti Ping Scenic Recreation


Shi Ti Ping is an ideal location for fishing and scuba-diving, and the nearby Shi Ti Ping harbour serves as a prime location to go out whale-watching; the unique coral reef geology and the natural potholes formed by erosion are considered to be the best in Taiwan. A multitude of marine plants such as screw pines, cacti, and beach morning glory decorate the rocks, creating a rich and diverse landscape. Currently there are plans to turn this area into a scenic location with multiple amenities, such as a vast parking lot, seaside trail, Ti Ping camping grounds, and other services.


  • 聯絡電話|0922-211336
  • 地  址|花蓮縣豐濱鄉石梯坪52號(石梯坪露營區) Hualian County, Fengbin Township, Shi Ti Ping no.52 (Shi Ti Ping Campground)


  • 24H



  • 台灣好行 / 石梯坪 站、花蓮客運1140、1145 / 石梯坪遊憩區 站